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【学在莱院】151amjs澳金沙门DLI Explore学术报告第二期即将开启!

日期: 2022年04月25日 23:55   浏览量:

为营造良好的学术氛围,帮助学生深入了解学科前沿,激发学生的学术科研热情,151amjs澳金沙门开设【DLI Explore】学术专题,邀请我校及莱斯特大学相关学科的专业教师定期开设学术报告。


第一场:Energy Efficient Datacentre

主讲人:Dr. John Panneerselvam

报告时间:4月27日 18:30-19:30

报告地点:ZOOM(会议ID:947 9419 1998)


Focuses on energy-efficient datacentres through an analytics approach. Works in the areas of Interdisciplinary Analytics, Scheduling and Resource Management in Distributed Datacentres, Internet of Things etc.

场:Worlds in a Computer:Models of Reality and Reality of Models

主讲人:Prof. Ruslan Davidchack

报告时间:5月6日 17:00-18:00

报告地点:ZOOM(会议ID:967 8079 7691)


Professor of Mathematical Modelling and Computation. Research interests are in developing computational methods and tools for applications in molecular simulations, nonlinear dynamics, and signal processing. He has published 123 papers, of which 19 have been included by SCI since 2009.

场:Decentralised Social Computing

主讲人:Dr. Bo Yuan

报告时间:5月17日 18:30-19:30

报告地点:ZOOM(会议ID:989 3094 6511)


Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Computer Science. Research interests are in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Distributed Computing, Edge Computing, Online Social Networks. He has published many papers at the top computer conferences of IEEE and ACM.