【Social Practice】The record of “Yuan Lai Shi Li · Hong Yan Zhi Ning” community of practice activities

Date: 2022-11-04 13:24:29   Clicks:

“Yuan Lai Shi Li · Hong Yan Zhi Ning”Community of Practice which went to Nanjing successfully concluded. Next, let's follow the step of them to have a look of Nanjing.


The first day of practice, the group came to the Memorial Hall, a symbol of Nanjing patriotism education. Although they didn't live through this period of history, they felt the same through the pictures and words in the hall. Everyone has the blood of the Chinese nation and understands the seriousness and importance of it. Nowadays, our motherland has prospered. Young people in the new era should remember history, remember that dark moment and understand the value of peace and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


In the afternoon, the group went to the Victory Memorial Hall to visit and study. During the visit, they deeply felt that CPC led the Chinese people in the bloody struggle with the sacrifice of countless people having lofty aspirations and the final victory of the revolution was not easy. We must remember history and remember the time when the Chinese nation was bullied. More importantly, we must cherish the fruits of current peace, stay true to our original aspiration, forge ahead and carry on the Red Spirit.


In response to the call of "Learning at DUT", the members of the group visited the Confucius Temple and the Nanjing Museum of Chinese Imperial Examinations on the second day. The cultural relics, pictures and words in the exhibition hall detail the learning journey of Jiangnan students and the development of education from ancient times to the present, making each member felt the difficulties of learning in ancient times. Under the influence of culture, the members have learned and felt the changes in China's education from ancient times to the present. They knew the importance of cultural development to China's development and understood what is studying to prosper the country which is the most valuable part in practice.


However, the unexpected epidemic disrupted the original practice plan. According to the epidemic prevention, control requirements of Nanjing City and the permanent residence of the members, combining with their own conditions, the practice group finally decided to withdraw all members from Nanjing and transfer the follow-up practice part to online.


The first stop online came to the Mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen. The group appreciated the profound historical connotation of the Mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen through a variety of online graphic materials and videos. During the online visit, they had a deeper understanding and comprehension of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's lifelong pursuit. Today's China is what Dr. Sun Yat-sen sought to be. We need to follow the footsteps of our predecessors to build a more prosperous China.


The second stop came to the Office of the President and Nanjing Museum. After viewing through VR and watching video materials, the team members were awed by the rich historical knowledge contained in the Office of the President and were shocked by its thick connotation and long historical precipitation. The Nanjing Museum shows the crystallization of ancient people's sweat and wisdom. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead and each generation is stronger than the next. Today's young people should keep seeking in the ocean of knowledge as well!