
Date: 2022-10-26 11:29:49   Clicks:

BSc Chemistry

Chemistry is the fundamental cornerstone for many economically important industries today, which means the demand for high quality chemistry graduates is growing. The Leicester course provides students with substantial hands-on, practical work and has been designed to equip graduates with the skills and expertise needed to make new discoveries that can deliver advances in fields such as health and medicine, energy and the environment, materials and technology or food and agriculture.

Core Modules

Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Spectral Theory and Experiment, Biochemistry, Chemical Principles and Experiments

Career Prospects

Graduates can engage in research or teaching in chemical or chemical research institutes (institutes), colleges and universities, and can also play a role in technical management in petrochemical, food and agriculture, health and medicine and other enterprises.

BEng Mechanical Engineering

This degree has been designed to develop specific expertise and skills in mechanisms and vibrations, structures, mechanical materials, fluid dynamics and thermodynamics. The degree highlights the way mechanical engineering now relies on powerful computer-aided design, prototyping, manufacturing tools and the use of composite materials.

Core Modules:

Engineering Foundation Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Engineering Design and Experiment, Mechanical Engineering, Integrated Engineering Design, Process and Equipment Design, Engineering Management, Materials Processing, Materials and Structures, System Dynamics and Control,etc.

Career Prospects:

Graduates can engage in designing, researching, manufacturing, managing and teaching in the Process equipment and process control design of chemical industry, oil refining, medicine, light industry, machinery, environmental protection, etc

BSc Mathematics

(From September 2019)

Today Mathematics has become almost a pre-requisite for life given the introduction of big data. Understanding mathematics is integral to designing new aircraft or providing tomorrow's weather forecast, and graduates can find themselves employed in areas as diverse as high energy physics and economic forecasting. Mathematical expertise – including algebra, mathematical computing, topology and actuarial science – will be developed throughout the course with a wide range of specialist modules on offer.

Core Modules:

Algorithm, Data Structures and Advanced Programming, Analytic Geometry, Calculus &Analysis, Probability, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Mathematical Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Function of Real Variable, Complex Function, Ordinary Differential Equation, Partial Differential Equation,etc.

Career Prospects:

Graduates can engage in research work in interdisciplinary fields such as financial mathematics, data science and computational science, as well as in technology development and management of finance, electronics and information engineering areas.