Change Starts Here- DLI Academic Affairs Seminar was held

Date: 2022-10-07 08:28:33   Clicks:

In September, a seminar on academic affairs for 2022 freshmen of Leicester International Institute(DLI)was held online. As an important part of freshmen's  admission process, the seminar aims to deepen the understanding of 2022 freshmen on the teaching management regulations of DUT and lay a good foundation for future university study life.


Prof. Pan Jingzhe, the British dean of DLI, and Prof. Tan Zhenquan, the Chinese Deputy Dean of DLI were invited to deliver a specific introduction to the education systems of the two sides. Student tutors, academic affairs administrators and more than 290 2022 freshmen also attended.


Prof. Tan Zhenquan first briefed the students on the basic situation of DLI. Then, he gave a detailed explanation of the teaching management regulations of DUT, especially emphasizing the particularity of parts of the Institute as a sino-overseas running school. After enrolment, students should register with both Chinese and British accounts and should abide by the management systems of both sides. Moreover, Prof. Tan stressed that students should change their previous learning methods, from passive to active, and fully mobilize their autonomy and consciousness in learning. Finally, he also explained the relevant policies concerning major transfer, recommendation and overseas exchange that students care about.


On behalf of the British side, Prof. Pan Jingzhe then extended a warm welcome to the students to join the DLI family. He briefly introduced the basic situation of teaching management at the University of Leicester. Then, Prof. Pan invited Skyla Zhao, the British program director of DLI to explain the rules and regulations and relevant academic systems of UoL such as examinations and appeals based on the curriculum manual of UoL.


The academic affairs seminar was held based on the rules and regulations of DUT and UoL specified in the Student handbook and programme curriculum handbook of DLI. It is hoped that students will adhere to the spirit of the two universities and create a better college life and School.