Actions Make Dreams Come True-campus students’ stories reported by Panjin Daily News

Date: 2022-08-17 14:51:34   Clicks:

During the summer holiday of 2022, a great number of student practice teams at the Dalian University of Technology Panjin campus joined the volunteer social work in the provinces of Liaoning, Yunnan, Shanxi, and Hunan with their sincere spirit and love. The purpose of their actions is to make a contribution to community work and bring the splendid world to counties children which are far from them. These students are devoted to changing society through edge-cutting technologies and advanced knowledge that they have learned in college. Moreover, they hold the dreams of cultivating themselves qualified skills and personalities in the places where the citizens need them most.

Source: the official website of Dalian University of Technology, Panjin campus, 17 August.2022.