Graduates of the Class of 2022 are Awarded Outstanding Project Awards by the University of Leicester

Date: 2022-08-09 15:21:49   Clicks:

Recently, two graduates of the Class of 2022, Liu Jiawei and Lin Jinghan, who participated in the long-term exchange program of the University of Leicester, passed the defense of the graduation thesis in the UK with the recognition of the judges and won several outstanding project awards.


These awards recognize outstanding achievements in graduation projects by graduates. The "Engineering Department Project Prize" is an outstanding graduation project award from the University of Leicester, "Institute of Mechanical Engineering Project Award" and "I. The Mech.E Best Project Certificate” is awarded by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) for the excellent performance of the graduates in researching, developing and designing in the projects, in which, "I. The Mech.E Best Project Certificate” is nominated by the Head of Faculty and awarded after review and evaluation by IMechE, and only one graduate of each programme can receive the award.

Left: Liu Jiawei  Right: Lin Jinghan

In September 2021, the two students went to the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leicester through the "3+1" long-term exchange program. Stemming from the Institute’s deeply integrated educational method, the Sino-British teaching mode and the good international environment, they could quickly adapt to the British teaching and management model. After a year of hard work, their achievements in the professional fields praised by professors and industry experts from the UK. Up to now, a total of 11 students in the two classes of the Institute participate in the long-term exchange programs, and all of them have graduated from the University of Leicester with the first-class honours degree. In the future, the Institute will continue to focus on high-quality and characteristic development, and cultivate qualified international talents who have a strong sentiment to love families and motherland and the ability to participate in global governance with a global vision.