Congratulations! REF 2021 Rankings of UoL Improved Significantly

Date: 2022-07-02 12:03:55   Clicks:

Recently, the UK officially released the assessment results of the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF). The University of Leicester, one of the DUT ’s partners in the United Kingdom has achieved a good result that research level ranks the 30th in the UK which got 23 higher than it in 2014, and is also the most significantly improved university in the top 30 universities. In terms of clinical medical research, it surpassed Oxford University and ranked the 3rd in the UK, closely following the University of Cambridge and University College London (UCL).


The University of Leicester focuses on academic research and has been contributing to the cultivation of top talents in various fields for more than a century of development. The outstanding performance in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 is the result of its outstanding academic research level and position. Nearly 89% of the research outputs of the University of Leicester have been rated as "world-leading" or "internationally excellent". Clinical Medicine, History, Sports Science, Museum Research and Archaeology ranked in the top 5 in the UK. All of the research results in Chemistry rated as "world-leading" or "internationally excellent". The University of Leicester will continue to work in leading areas, such as Aerospace, Human Health, Earth and the Environment, etc., and continue to be at the forefront of the world to solve the most serious and critical global problems.


REF refers to the “Research Excellence Framework”, which is organized by the British government to assess the quality and impact of research in UK universities. The results of the REF are used to inform the allocation from the UK government to the outstanding universities.