University of Leicester Introduced the Degree Congregation and the Success Stories of DLI Graduate

Date: 2021-07-09 16:14:07   Clicks:

On 25 June, DLI’s inaugural graduation ceremony and undergraduate degree congregation were held in Auditorium E03 Panjin Campus. Professor Zhu Hong, vice president of DUT, Assistant Presidents Professor Luo Zhongxuan and Professor Guo Jinming conferred degrees to graduates. Besides, leaders and professors from DUT and other peer colleges were both invited to attend this ceremony. Due to the pandemic, VIPs from the UoL side could not attend in person. Sarah Davies and Philip Baker the Pro Vice-Chancellors of UoL and other leaders both expressed their wishes and thanks to their dear students through a live zoom meeting.

University of Leicester introduced the degree congregation and the success stories of DLI graduates. Chen Runzhe, the graduate of Chemistry spoke highly of the attitude of UoL to the academic integrity. Liu Wenqi, the graduate of Engineering said that he cherished the studying experience in DLI as the first cohort of graduates. 

It is said that this group of students went through unexpected challenges due to the global pandemic; and through four years of hard work and persistence they graduated on Friday 25 June 2021 with dual degrees from UOL and DUT and with extraordinary performances and achievement. As President and Vice-Chancellor, Nishan Canagarajah, said in his welcome address at the inaugural graduation ceremony, “that is a tremendous success story and speaks volumes the quality of education you have received and experience you have had”. The vision we had from the start to create a world class collaboration has come to fruition today.” These students are creating a remarkable and glorious page in the DLI history with an extraordinary impact on society and the market.”