The Final Project Defence of the First Class Graduates of DLI Came to the Successful End

Date: 2021-06-16 15:54:16   Clicks:

On 26 May, the thesis defence of the first class was held in DLI. In a total of 147 students which was separated into four teams attended the final project defence. The thesis defence committee is organized by professors from the School of Chemical Engineering Panjin Campus, School of Ocean Science and Technology and other Schools in DUT.

DLI attached great importance to the final project defence and made good preparation in advance. To safeguard it conducts smoothly, DLI established a professional working team and formed a detailed plan. The marking criterion, notices and the defence process were emphasised and rehearsed by professors. On 25 May, DLI’s administrators and student volunteers adjusted the facilities and resolved the troubles to provide an accessible and convenient environment to graduates.

Moreover, at the beginning of the defence, Professor Tan Zhenquan, the Associate Dean of DLI delivered a speech that aroused professors’ attention on the crucial factors in the process. Today’s defence is the important part that tests the academic results of the four years, we appreciate the consideration and efforts of all the professors, said Professor Tan.

After that, eight groups began the defence simultaneously. DLI is a Sino-Overseas in running school and students should complete their final projects in English and accept the test both from DUT and UoL. In this process, students presented their topic source, analysis method, research significance and gains. Professors asked questions and feed back suggestion to students for better amendment. The defence committee re-evaluated and marked all the thesis on the principle of promoting the quality of students’ projects and abided by the defence regulations of DUT.

At last, students in the class of 2021 spoke highly of their first defence. They both developed the academic, language and innovation abilities and break the thought limit under the supervisors’ help.