The Postgraduate Experience Sharing Session Ended Successfully

Date: 2021-06-15 08:54:39   Clicks:

The experience sharing meeting is held in C07-401 and year 4 engineering students TIAN Guangyao and Wang Qiukai, who has passed the postgraduate entrance exam in DUT are invited. They share their experiences with the students and answer their questions.


First of all, Tian gave a certain explanation on how to determine the direction of a school and a major as well as the interview skills. In terms of interviews, Tian introduced some skills that can be used in the interview process and recommended making relevant preparations before the interview and contact the tutor in advance. Then, it elaborates the advantages and disadvantages of our college.

Secondly, Wang gave a comprehensive speech on preparing the review from time as well as approaches aspects. He targeted his review schedule and course recommendations of planning postgraduate entrance exam additionally. After that, the skills and methods in the process of preparing for the exam were also introduced. Finally, he made a detailed interpretation of the postgraduate entrance examination adjustment.

At this point, the sharing meeting has come to a perfect end. Through this session, the students have a more profound understanding and clearer cognition of the postgraduate entrance examination as well as a much clearer goal for the future.