​Sun Yuanzhi, The Recipient of National Scholarship

Date: 2021-05-25 15:08:14   Clicks:

Personal information

Name: Sun Yuanzhi

Hometown: Jiyuan, Henan

Class: Engineering Class 1702

Hobby: badminton


Received Prizes:

National Scholarship for 3 consecutive years

Academic Merit Scholarship(first-class) for 3 consecutive years

Merit Student of School for 3 consecutive years

Honour title of Excellent League Member of Dalian University of Technology

the Third Prize of MCM

Mathematics Competition of College Students of Dalian (the third prize)

“Peer Support Award” of Leicester University

Mathematics Competition of Chinese College Students, Liaoning (the third prize)

IET Global English-Speaking Contest, school-level (the third prize)

Study Hard in Daily Life

The primary responsibility of a student is to learn. Sun Yuanzhi never slacks off in his studies. He firmly believes that academic performance must be the prerequisite for all-around development. He ranks the first in his major with a weighted average score of 95.857 and over 98 for 13 professional courses.



He won the National Scholarship, Academic Merit Scholarship (first-class) and Merit Student of School for 3 consecutive years, and also the “Peer Support Award”, the highest honour of the Leicester University. Facing praise from others, he always humbly accept and keeps going on. When talking about his experience in life, he once said, “You must have your ideas in life, but the spirit of making efforts and sticking to it is more important.”

Devoted in Scientific Innovation

Sun Yuanzhi combined his advantages to participating in many scientific innovation competitions and achieved good results. He participated in the mathematical modelling competition and cooperated with his teammates to overcome difficulties and create achievements.



Develop His Hobby

He likes badminton and joined the badminton team of the school. He once won the second prize of men's doubles and the third prize of men's singles in the "Lingyu cup". He participated in team competitions on behalf of the school and won glory for the class in the sports meet.



Help Others With Original Aspiration

He has participated in many study experience sharing meetings and overseas experience sharing meetings to share his growth and harvest with his junior. He also often carries out peer tutoring, imparting professional knowledge and answering questions before the exam, which has won unanimous praise from teachers and students.




This year, he chose to go to Tsinghua University for further study with excellent marks. In the future, he will study abroad for a PhD degree. After finishing his studies, he will come back to China to contribute to the cause of education.