DLI Held the "Presentation on Academic Integrity" Online Lecture

Date: 2021-05-12 16:11:06   Clicks:

Recently, DLI held the "Presentation on Academic Integrity" online lecture, which aims to strengthen the Academic Integrity Education of the students. Professor Zhan Jingjing, Dean of DLI and Professor Pan Jingzhe, English Dean of DLI were invited to deliver a speech. Students of 2017 and 2018 attended the lecture.

Be Rigorous and Honest

Pan first introduced the phenomenon of illegal intermediaries who help students to issue unveracious certificates by using methods such as publishing an illegal nominal thesis. Then, he analyzed the internal reasons and dangers of this phenomenon. Pan stressed that Academic Misconduct not only affects personal integrity but also damages the reputation of DUT and UOL. He urged students to be rigorous and honest in their study.




Create a benign study environment

Zhan thanked Pan for his speech. Based on his own experience, Zhan suggested that students should choose the intermediaries carefully while applying for foreign study and try their best to complete the application independently. Since the students shoulder the mission of scientific and technological innovation, they should resolutely resist the Academic Misconduct of fraud and opportunism. At last, Zhan called on teachers and students of DLI to joint efforts, adhere to the scientific spirit of seeking truth and the meticulous attitude of scholarship, study hard, research solidly, and work together to create a benign atmosphere of study in DLI.