PEE Retest Interview and Transfer Advice from Your Teacher and Upperclassmen

Date: 2021-04-06 15:53:46   Clicks:

To help 2017 graduates make a good performance in the coming Postgraduate Entrance Examination (PEE) retest and make an appropriate choice in online transfer, Leicester International Institute (DLI) held an off-line sharing meeting in the conference room C07-207 on March 16th. Participants not only includes the 2017 graduates who passed the preliminary examination but also includes students from other grades who plan to participate in PEE.

The Dean of DLI Professor Zhan Jingjing and Deputy Dean Ms Zhao Lingling gave guidance in this sharing meeting. Fu Yanghua, a graduate student from the School of Ocean Science and Technology, and Xu Xiaonan, a graduate student from the School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology Panjin Campus, shared their suggestions and advice of PEE retest and transfer according to their personal experience.

First of all, Fu Yanghua took the PEE retest of DUT as an example to explain the process in detail. The key points and matters in the remote interview are emphatically expounded. Secondly, he made a profound interpretation of the content of the interview.

Xu Xiaonan focused on the topic of "transfer or not " and explained its process. Also, she suggested students learn to choose through specific examples.

Professor Zhan Jingjing then suggested to the students that specific knowledge, basic knowledge and English proficiency are very important in the PEE retest interview. Learning is a process of long-term preparation. It is necessary to focus on the long-term, take the present into account and strengthen the weak points. Thinking and awareness are of the utmost importance, and we should have enough confidence. At the end of her speech, she stressed that the postgraduate entrance exam is a process of growing up and study with a focus on the future is meaningful.

In the final question-and-answer session, the keynote speaker discussed the related questions about the transfer, such as the score and the possible interview situation.

The sharing meeting was successfully concluded. Through this meeting, the students had a clearer understanding of the specific work of the interview for PEE and the transfer application. Hope they can achieve satisfactory results in the following interview.