DLI Held the Report Meeting of The Students’ Organizations

Date: 2021-03-31 17:02:51   Clicks:

On March 20th, DLI held the report meeting of students’ organizations for the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year in E03. Held at the beginning of the new semester, this meeting not only aims at summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of the students’ organizations during the last year, which promotes strength and circumvents weaknesses in the future but also let each student cadre reflect on their shortcomings and summarize what they have learned.


The Chinese Communist Youth League committee

The CCYL is the link between the country and students, and an essential force for youth work. The Youth League Committee of DLI performed the duties of leading and uniting, organizing and mobilizing, and contacting and serving the youth. In the last semester, it carried out activities such as sharing the experience of science and innovation, respecting the elderly from various aspects. These aspects include ideological guidance, social practice and technological innovation. Moreover, the Youth League Committee of DLI has built a solid main position of network propaganda with the use of new media. Each department summarized the shortcomings in their work and made a reasonable work plan which may carry out the League cadre training, social practice, volunteer service, science and innovation salon and other works in the new semester. These plans could promote the reform and innovation of the work of CCYL and enhance the vitality of the primary level Youth League.


The Student Union

The Student Union takes serving the students wholeheartedly as its purpose and plays as the bridge between the school and students. Under the guidance of the school leadership and the Youth League, the Student Union would carry out its work following the laws, rules and regulations of DUT and its articles of association. After the reform, the Student Union of DLI had reoriented itself and applied it to build an atmosphere of study, maintain students' rights, strengthening cultural construction, enhance physical training and so on. It also held peer counselling works, rights and interests association, DLI Gala, games of basketball and table tennis during the last semester, which has greatly enriched the school life of the students. Based on the work results, all departments have planned the work directly after the reform, and plan to hold English speech competition, English dubbing competition, sports games and other activities in the new semester, which could enhance the characteristic of DLI.


The Association for Career Planning and Employment

Established in 2020, the Association for Career Planning and Employment see help students in career planning, promote the abilities of employment, provide more employment information as to its work guidance. This organization helps Student advisors to complete graduate related works and supports the first graduates to find a job. Now, it has held activities such as the learning experience meeting for postgraduate entrance examination, the career planning competition, the Management Train class and so on. Moreover, it has set up a WeChat section that releases the latest employment information for students. After the exploration in the last year, the association plans to hold three sharing meetings to go abroad, obtain employment,  attend the postgraduate entrance examination with the help of the graduates. The association will also start a series of activities in the graduation season, which aims to leave a good memory for the graduates.


Speeches of the Instructors

Rui Dong, the guidance teacher of the Youth League Committee, affirmed the work of all student cadres in the last semester and praised their efforts. Then, she held a student training with the theme of the basic accomplishment of a student cadre in knowledge, ability, and morality three aspects. She hopes that all the student cadres can recognize their weakness and make persistent efforts, which will contribute to the development of DLI and lay a foundation for the future.

This conference is not just an end, but a new beginning. Wish every student cadre can be motivated in the new semester.