2020-2021 Academic Year the Students' Union's Activities Awards Is Open to DLI Students

Date: 2021-03-29 11:49:39   Clicks:

2020-2021 Academic Year the Students' Union's Activities Awards is open to DLI students to apply. The details are as follow:


All the DLI students


The awards includes: Student Group Awards and Volunteering & Fundraising Awards in which contain twelve sub-awards totally.

Student Group Awards, which celebrate the amazing events, campaigns, achievements and progress made by our clubs and societies.

Volunteering & Fundraising Awards, which recognise all of the incredible efforts made for charities, the community, and fellow students.

You can download and check attached 3 for more information about this award program. You can apply by yourself or by your team.

Applying Process

Independent application or recommendation of teachers or students.

Students or teams who are willing to apply for awards should fill in the corresponding attachment 1/2 and prepare a presentation within 3 minutes.

The application form should be sent to 736942358@qq.com by 12 p.m. on March 28, whose name and subject of the e-mail should be  “Name- Student ID- Award”. The time for presentation is tentatively scheduled for March 29. For more details, please join the following QQ group. If you have any questions, please consult Ms Dong by 0427-2631231.


DLI Student Affair Office

25th March 2021
