Social Practice Group——"Special Journey" to Ulanqab City

Date: 2021-03-19 10:21:26   Clicks:

2020 is the last year of battling against poverty, and today the problem of poverty that has perplexed China for thousands of years has been solved. Ulanqab City, a poor town located in the Inner Mongolia, has been an economic development obstacle. However, with the country and government's help, Ulanqab City has made an appropriate plan to enhance strength and develop the characteristic industry. Finally, it achieves great achievements. In order to experience the changes against poverty, the group decided to visit Ulanqab City online.

Before the activity, the numbers of the group were well prepared for the activity through continuous study.


On January 26th, the practice group held an online experience sharing meeting. Firstly, the group leader concluded the primary preparation and made arrangements for this activity's following process. Secondly, the members shared some information about the background and reasons for industrial poverty alleviation and the differences between the Chinese and western system. Moreover, they analyzed the specific cases of Ulanqab City. Lastly, Ms Dong offered some instructions on the work, encouraging the students to study positively and think actively.


On January 27th, group members watched two documentary films: "My Poverty Alleviation Year" and "Decibel". The members were aware that alleviate poverty is a responsibility for everyone, and everybody is obliged to join in. We must cherish our current life. Poverty alleviation is more than a slogan or a standard of an assignment. It is hard to improve people's lives by the community party and inevitable requests of socialistic 'people first' ideology.


On January 28th, the group invited Mr Liang, the secretary of Wangguigou Village, to talk about poverty alleviation with the support of Chinese policies.


From the past to the present, the Chinese people's most simple wish is to have ample food and clothing. Apart from comprehending the local poverty alleviation process, the trip brings us more in deep thinking. As time pass by, we, the new generation, will continue to devote ourselves to the country and firmly step on a new journey.