Social Practice Group——Follow the Step of DUT Alumnus

Date: 2021-03-12 14:19:07   Clicks:

The practice group of DLI aims to lead the students to listen to their seniors' past stories, feel the spirit of DUT in the thick accumulation of history, and experience society's real-time development under excellent alumni guidance. They were looking for alumni from all over the country since the development of DUT at different stages of its establishment, connecting the 70 years and narrating the complete story of DUT.

On January 18th, the practice group held an initial working meeting and started the preparatory work for about ten days. During the meeting, Riyu Qiu, the team leader, defined the organizational structure and labour division based on the practice's general process's mind map. Then, he dredged the timeline and the corresponding work of this practice.


On January 25th, the practice group held a mid-term meeting, in which they reviewed the preliminary work and clarified the mid-term work arrangement. In the past work, the practice group was divided into teams according to the region. With the help of the alumni information on the school's official website and the alumni associations, the practice group successfully invited seven alumni in different stages in DUT. They are widely distributed in chemical engineering, business administration, software engineering and other majors. They also completed the production of the team emblem and the writing of the publicity video script. Then, the team leader Riyu Qiu divided the groups' responsibilities and emphasized the work content from January 25th to February 3rd.


The DUT has a long history and numerous spiritual treasures. During this activity, the practice group carried out "visiting alumni and exploring stories of the University of technology" in three ways: online meeting, online lecture and offline interview.

On January 27th, the practice group invited senior alumna Meng Chen of grade 1974 to communicate with its members online. Even after many years, her words and deeds still express her love for DUT. Asked about her message to the DUT students, she said, "You are the sun in the morning. The hope is on you." The arduous spirit of study and gentle working sentiment of the older generation of DUT has infected every practice group member.


On January 30th, members of the practice group in Xiamen went to Xiamen Jia Jian

the patent office, which alumnus Qiang Li of grade 2005 founds for offline interviews. During the interview, alumnus Qiang Li shared interesting things about his life on the campus, the intellectual property industry's development status, and his suggestions for DUT students. He said: "instead of jumping out of the comfort zone completely, it is better to dig deeper into this field in the comfort zone." His words have deepened the understanding of "jumping out of the comfort zone" in the practice group members' hearts.


On February 1st, alumnus Youfen Chen from Grade 1974 told the story of DUT in the 1980s through Tencent conference. Words like "workers, peasants and soldiers" came out of the history books and presented themselves in front of the students through the alumnus' narration. Finally, the lecture was concluded with sincere wishes and exhortations from Youfen Chen. He said: "as Chairman Mao said, the world is yours and also ours, but it is yours eventually. "


The lecture series of "talking with DUT" started. This series of lectures aims to recall the story of the alumni in DUT, understand the ideology of DUT, inherit the quality of seeking truth and innovation, and point out the future direction for the students studying in DUT.


Through alumni's stories, the practice group understands that the alumni association is the home of all students from DUT in a place far away from home. It is hoped that this event can build a communication platform for the students and alumni of the past, help build the alumni communication network of DUT all over the country, and at the same time, experience and inherit the spirit of DUT together.