Some Students Did a Very Good Job in Daily Attendance in Winder Holiday

Date: 2021-03-08 14:14:47   Clicks:

We encourage students to keep studying and doing sports in the winter holiday and hold daily attendance activities. Some students did a very good job in that. The activities include 21 days of English words list and 21 days of exercises.

Almost 150 students in DLI went in for these activities as soon as the event news was published. The activities would extend by daily attendance and screen the records on APP. Students from different programmes were motivated by each other. This method plays an important role in cultivating students a better study and life habits.

These Students Attended the Activities for 32 Days in A Row

These Students Attended the Activities for 21 Days in A Row

Some Students Have Made it a Habit

From the APP records, most of the students insisted on daily attendance for more than 21 days. They acquired effective learning methods in reciting English words and keeping healthy in everyday life.





Pictures above Are Records in APPs

We also prepared pads for reciting English words and protective clothings as gifts for students who insisted on the two activities for 21 days in a row.




The two QQ groups 984229694 for the English words list and 561087237 for exercisesfor recording daily attendance will not be broken. We welcome more and more students could join these two activities for better changes.