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日期: 2024年06月01日 08:42   浏览量:

AfrSusEnS 2024 Scientific Committee邀请,我单位刘进轩拟赴南非进行学术交流。现将该团组拟出访情况公示如下:


姓名  职务/职称

刘进轩 151amjs澳金沙门副院长/教授



时间 到达国家或地区 住宿城市 活动内容

2024-08-24 行程中 交通工具 行程中

2024-08-25 南非 约翰内斯堡 开会

2024-08-26 南非 约翰内斯堡 开会

2024-08-27 南非 约翰内斯堡 开会

2024-08-28 南非 约翰内斯堡 开会

2024-08-29 南非 约翰内斯堡 返程中

2024-08-30 行程中 交通工具 抵达国内

去程路线: 北京-阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比(中转)-南非约翰内斯堡

回程路线: 南非约翰内斯堡-卡塔尔-北京


The 1st international symposium on African Sustainable Energy Solutions will be held in Sun City, approximately 190 kilometers northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa. The symposium venue is surrounded by the famous Pilanesberg National Park. We are looking forward to the researchers submitting their research results which will contribute to the sustainable energy solutions in Africa. The symposium will gather researchers globally in the field of energy conversion, sustainable energy, energy storage, batteries, hydrogen energy, biomass energy applications and other related fields. The organizing committee is currently preparing various activities to maximize the opportunities for experts and scholars to meet and exchange ideas during the 4-day conference. We hope that the attendees here can generate bright thinking sparks, obtain more interesting ideas, and start new collaborations through knowledge exchange. The organizing committee of the 1st international symposium on African Sustainable Energy Solutions hopes to see you on August 24, 2024 in Sun City.



姓名 国际旅费 住宿费 伙食费 公杂费 其他费用 合计

刘进轩 12000人民币 850美元 350美元 245美元 +1000人民币+7000人民币 20000人民币+1445美元

经费账号 经费负责人 报销人姓名

1000-07040073 刘进轩 刘进轩


